Inspiring Youth Programme

    Inspiring Youth Programme

    Project Summary

    We are currently running **three small fine art centres** in the North and East of Sri Lanka. Fine arts also teach children several valuable skills including increasing their patience, creativity, expression, and teamwork. It helps keep children entertained and reduce the likelihood of them engaging in anti-social activities. Fine arts are also vital in helping children understand the core values of Tamil culture and helps heal the trauma of the war.
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    give children the start in the life they deserve

    Inspiring Youth Programme

    We are currently running three small fine art centres in the North and East of Sri Lanka. Fine arts also teach children several valuable skills including increasing their patience, creativity, expression, and teamwork. It helps keep children entertained and reduce the likelihood of them engaging in anti-social activities. Fine arts are also vital in helping children understand the core values of Tamil culture and helps heal the trauma of the war.

    • The cost of continuing to fund the three small fine art centres is £1100 per month
    • The annual cost of funding these three small fine art centres is £13,200 per year

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